Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chinese Fishing Nets

To keep ourselves awake on our first day we had a stroll by the river and watched the Chinese fishing nets in action. These nets date from 1400, and were introduced by the traders of Kublai Khan. Nets of this size are only found in Cochin, they rely on a system of counterweights to raise and lower the enormous net into the water. We did see them catch fish and we saw the raucous black crows pinch the wriggling slivers of silver.

We were asked onto one of the rickety, spindly structures to help pull on the ropes to raise the net but being weedy we have put it off till another day. There was a fish market there and a lot of you buy we cook type of stalls. We thought it easier to eat at the hotel that night.

1 comment:

Philippa said...

Those nets looked they could have been designed by Da Vinci!!! x